
Seed Part: Wrench & Hammer


I built this for Iron Forge Round 2, wrench and hammer. This model had been on my "to build" list for some time, and I just finally got around to building it, as the wrench seemed to make great hands and great pistons.

About the Build:

I started with the skull, which set the scale for the rest of the build. I built a rough internal frame that matched the shape of the real robot's frame, then built it up from there, following every reference photo that I could find. I also built an orange ladder and red tool bench seen in some shots of Stan Winston Studio.

Built in May 2020 for Iron Forge

Build Time: 1 week

Flickr | Instagram | Stan Winston School


Much of my reference material came from Stan Winston Studios' behind the scenes videos on YouTube. I carefully scrubbed through these videos and took screenshots to capture every angle as closely as I could!

Fun Fact:

As a quick joke entry, I built a miniature model of myself photographing the T-Rex model!