The Cat Box Project

In 2024, I put together a toolbox full of all of the necessary LEGO parts to build people's cats on demand!

The vision was simple: at live events such as fairs and sales, people could approach my booth and show me a picture of their cat. I would use the array of parts in my Cat Box to design and build their cat in front of them, replicating their cat's unique coloration and patterns as closely as possible in LEGO bricks. Then, they could purchase the cat and bring it home to display in on their desk, on their nightstand, or in their cubicle.

In summary, I get a picture of their cat, and they get their cat built out of LEGO! It's a win-win!

Upcoming Cat Box Events

Check back soon!

Past Cat Box Events

December 7, 2024 - George Fox University Holiday Art Market

Cat Care Guide

Luckily for you, taking care of your new LEGO cat is easy! LEGO cats don't need food or water! However, they are liable to fall apart, particularly if they're batted off your desk by your real cat!

If your LEGO cat falls apart, there's no need to worry about surgeries or hefty vet bills; here is a step-by-step instruction guide for you to rebuild your cat! As each cat is different, and yours was made-to-order to match photos of your cat, the instruction cannot match your cat perfectly. The instructions build an entirely grey cat, but if you follow along using the parts from your custom cat, it should come out to be fairly similar, if not exactly the same as the original design.

I recommend taking photos of your cat before anything happens to it so you can reference them as you rebuild! If you missed taking a photo, I might've taken one! Check out the my Cat Gallery below!

Have an event coming up where LEGO cats would fit right in? Let me know; I would love to work with you!

Cat Gallery

George Fox Holiday Art Market

December 7, 2024