Fig Scale

Prompt: Build anything that is not minifig scale. Build something larger or smaller.


I was inspired by the wording of the prompt. The rules only stated that we couldn't build a mini fig scale, why can't I build a normal-sized fig scale?

After spending plenty of time researching various styles of antique scales, I decided to build a Columbus bilateral letter scale, as I thought all the moving parts would be a fun challenge! 

About the Build:

All of the arcs in this model were difficult! I started on the mechanism and quickly realized that I needed to use tires to act as counterweights. The final model works, but there's lots of friction in the system. It is not calibrated to any particular measurement system, but the needle does move as more weight is added to the top of the scale.

I complemented the build with some sliced figs and a knife. I'm quite proud of these side builds, which use almost all of my purple pieces!

Build Time: 1 day

Built August 2022 for Vignweek 2022

Prompt | Instagram | Flickr (Photo) | Flickr (Video) | Vignweek

Fun Fact:

While building the figs, I ran out of purple pieces! I started pulling purple pieces from complete sets, just so I could have as much as is shown here. The full fig isn't even complete around the back, as I only had enough purple to make it look good from one angle!