Paper Forge Mech
Following up from their "Digital Forgery" competition last April fools day, the folks over at Iron Builders cooked up yet another unconventional contest. This time around, we were to use paper cutouts of the letters "IRON BUILDER" While the contest was clearly designed for physical entries, digital entries were not barred!
About the Build:
This model was built digitally in Bricklink Studio and features 1007 Parts and 11 Paper Letters.
I hope you enjoy discovering all of the little details included in this model! I had a blast designing it!
Built April 2021 for Paper Forge
Build Time: One Weekend
Fun Fact:
While all parts are available in the pictured colors, it would likely need to be modified a bit to be built in real life, mostly due to stability reasons, something that I luckily didn't need to worry about when designing this. This isn't some stationary model either, it has a large range of motion, everywhere you would expect from a mech, from head to toes!
Getting paper cutouts into Studio proved to be a challenge. I had my work cut out for me! My workflow was as follows:
-Convert the given SVG file into an STL file that I could import into SolidWorks.
-Model each letter in SolidWorks based on the STL and fold and bend them as necessary to match my preliminary sketches
-Export as STL files
-Convert to OBJ files
-Import OBJ files into Studio's part designer, add connection points as needed
-Export into Studio and finally get to work with LEGO parts!
-Render using "rubber" settings for paper parts to reduce glare