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Seed Part: Minifigure Torso
I had been turning my brain inside out trying to come up with brave usages for this part, but I kept coming up against a wall (e-mail me if you have any great ideas.) The models built by my competitors have been incredible: the bathroom, the picture frames, valerius_maximus’ cars too. And it’s not just the models themselves, but the pix are really beautiful too, great composition. Some of the models showcase one of the powerful qualities of this toy: story-telling.
I had the Avatar and the good dinosaur build earlier, but I can’t hold up, I just need to keep pushing onward and build models with passion, soul, and ingenuity.
About the Build:
It's simple, but uses two short lengths of flex tube and a bunch of barely-attached clips to create the serifs.
Built January 2021 for Iron Forge
Build Time: A few hours